
Mia is a young and free-spirited mama living in sunny California with her husband Joey and toddler Sawyer. After growing up on the coast, she packed up and left home and her journey took her through several years and several states, where she fell in love, got married and welcomed her sweet son. She is now back in her home state living in a cozy place in Newport Beach filling her days slowing down with her toddler, creating art of all forms, diving into her motherhood photography business, and doing local curated vintage clothing popups.

Mia is known for photographing her friends on their motherhood journeys, thrifting the best vintage clothes and home decor, and using her barista skills to make her loved ones the best iced lattes. Her and her husband enjoy taking film photos together and driving, exploring magical little pockets of the places they’ve called home, and creating a nourishing haven out of their little abode.